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Brian Gall - 15 years

GLA Merit Award Presentations

Congratulations to Erin, Franklin, Leon, Micah, Michelle (1st shift associates) and John, Britney, Eric, Brian, and Bobby (2nd shift associates).

These 10 associates bring a total 80 years of service and experience to their positions at Great Lakes Assembly.

Also pictured presenting the awards were Adam Fitch (HR), Adam Perry (Sr. Mgr. of Plant Operations), and Matt Goodyear (VP of Operations).

Erin Rudat - 10 years
Erin Rudat – 10 years
Franklin Bradyberry - 5 years
Franklin Bradyberry – 5 years
Leon Rainy - 5 years
Leon Rainy – 5 years
Micah Gerber - 5 years
Micah Gerber – 5 years
Michelle Conelly - 5 years
Michelle Conelly – 5 years
John Claphan - 5 years
John Claphan – 5 years
Britney Trimble - 5 years
Britney Trimble – 5 years
Eric Brown - 10 years
Eric Brown – 10 years
Brian Gall - 15 years
Brian Gall – 15 years
Bobby McClelland - 15 years
Bobby McClelland – 15 years


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